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Ostatnio przeglądane
Spis treści
Valery Vitalyevich Andreev, Galina Viktorovna Kalinina
Status and Development of Non-Profit Corporate Entities in Russian’s Market Economy
Tomasz Bąkowski
Cooperatives as Entities Performing Public Tasks with Particular Emphasis on Social and Energy Cooperatives
Dominik Bierecki
The De Lege Ferenda Propositions Regarding the Membership in the Cooperative in Poland
Olga Cherkashina
Cooperation: The Russian and Soviet Experience
Joanna Kruczalak-Jankowska, Grzegorz Sikorski
Evolution of the Legal Regulation of Cooperatives in Polish Law
Rafał Mroczkowski
Regulatory and Supervisory Policy Towards the Cooperative Banking Sector in Poland in the Years 2014-2019
Nadezda Alexandrovna Ovcharenko, Taisija Nikolaevna Sidorenko
Cooperation in the Krasnodar Region: History and Modernity
Jakub Stelina
Specificity of the Cooperative Employment Contract
Dominika Tykwińska-Rutkowska, Paulina Glejt-Uziębło
Cooperative Ownership Right to Premises in Administrative Enforcement and Security Proceedings. A Few Remarks
Paweł Bucoń
Glosa do wyroku sądu apelacyjnego w Krakowie z dnia 27 marca 2019 r., Sygn. Akt I AGa 503/18 (Niepubl.)
Noty o autorach
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